[ubuntu-tn] Call for making Ubuntu-tn active again!

Seif Eddine Slimene s.slimene19 at gmail.com
Mar 16 Nov 23:08:25 UTC 2021

Hello, I'm in 😀

On Tue, Nov 16, 2021, 3:44 PM Naeil Ezzoueidi <naeilzoueidi at ubuntu.com>

> Hi Ubuntu-tn,
> I hope that everybody is going well.
> This e-mail is to look if there are any people who would like to join
> organizing a series of workshops which will be held soon virtually.
> Whether you are interested in organizing or speaking, please reach out and
> let's discuss it further. Workshops will be mainly around Ubuntu but we
> would like to see also other related topics.
> This opportunity is to bring back everybody closer and to work towards
> verifying our LoCo team again.
> Our goal is to be an active community as we were before, we will work more
> remotely in order to include more peoole from different places.
> Please share the information to anyone who is interested to join and help
> Ubuntu-tn and don't hesitate to share your thoughts.
> On behalf of Ubuntu-tn MC.
> --
> Ubuntu-tn mailing list
> Ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com
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