[ubuntu-tn] Call for making Ubuntu-tn active again!
Naeil Ezzoueidi
naeilzoueidi at ubuntu.com
Mar 16 Nov 14:44:31 UTC 2021
Hi Ubuntu-tn,
I hope that everybody is going well.
This e-mail is to look if there are any people who would like to join
organizing a series of workshops which will be held soon virtually.
Whether you are interested in organizing or speaking, please reach out and
let's discuss it further. Workshops will be mainly around Ubuntu but we
would like to see also other related topics.
This opportunity is to bring back everybody closer and to work towards
verifying our LoCo team again.
Our goal is to be an active community as we were before, we will work more
remotely in order to include more peoole from different places.
Please share the information to anyone who is interested to join and help
Ubuntu-tn and don't hesitate to share your thoughts.
On behalf of Ubuntu-tn MC.
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