[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: Call for Ubuntu Community Council nominations
ANIS El Achèche
elacheche at ubuntu.com
Mar 15 Sep 18:41:14 UTC 2020
El Acheche Anis
Sent from a mobile device with. Please excuse brevity and typos.
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From: Walter Lapchynski <wxl at ubuntu.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2020, 20:19
Subject: Call for Ubuntu Community Council nominations
To: <ubuntu-announce at lists.ubuntu.com>, <community-announce at lists.ubuntu.com>,
<ubuntu-community-team at lists.ubuntu.com>, <
ubuntu-leadership at lists.ubuntu.com>, <ubuntu-news-team at lists.ubuntu.com>
As you may have noticed, the [Ubuntu Community Council][1] has been
vacant for a while. Happily, a [decision][2] has recently been made to
repopulate it. Thus, this official announcement for nominations.
We will be filling all seven seats this term, with terms lasting two
years. To be eligible, a nominee must be an Ubuntu Member. Ideally, they
should have a vast understanding of the Ubuntu community, be
well-organized, and be a natural leader.
The work of the Community Council, as it stands, is to uphold the Code
of Conduct throughout the community, ensure that all the other
[leadership boards and councils][3] are running smoothly, and to ensure
the general health of the community, including not only supporting
contributors but also stepping in for dispute resolution, as needed.
Historically, there would be two [meetings][4] per month, so the nominee
should be willing to commit, at minimum, to that particular time
requirement. Additionally, as needs arise, other communication, most
often by email, will happen. The input of the entire Council is
essential for swift and appropriate actions to get enacted, so
participation in these conversations should be expected.
As you might notice from Mark Shuttleworth's [post][5], there is a
greater vision for the structure of the Ubuntu community, so this term
could be an exciting time with perhaps vast and sweeping changes. That
said, it would be wise that nominees have an open mind as to what is to
To nominate someone (including yourself), send the name and Launchpad ID
of the nominee to community-council at lists.ubuntu.com. Nominations will
be accepted for a period of two weeks until 29 September 2020 11:59 UTC.
Once the nominations are collected, Mark Shuttleworth will shortlist
them and an actual election will take place, using the [Condorcet
Internet Voting Service][6]. All Ubuntu Members are eligible to vote in
this election.
If you have any other questions, feel free to get in touch with me or
perhaps better yet, post something in the [Community Council category on
Discourse][7] so all may benefit from the answer.
Thanks in advance to all that participate and for your desire to make
Ubuntu better!
[2]: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/future-of-ubuntu-community/17593/34
[3]: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/governance/332
[5]: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/future-of-ubuntu-community/17593/29
[6]: https://civs.cs.cornell.edu
[7]: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/16-community-council
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