[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: ubuntu-tn expired from team
Nizar Kerkeni
nizarus at ubuntu.com
Mer 8 Jan 11:40:31 UTC 2020
Bonjour @ tous,
Une triste nouvelle de bon matin. Mais bon, la vérification passe et la
communauté reste...
-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : ubuntu-tn expired from team
Date : Wed, 08 Jan 2020 05:17:46 -0000
De : Verified LoCo Teams <noreply at launchpad.net>
Répondre à : Verified LoCo Teams <noreply at launchpad.net>
Hello Nizar Kerkeni,
The membership of Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team (ubuntu-tn) in the Verified
LoCo Teams (locoteams-verified) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
You received this email because your team Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team is the affected member.
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Type: application/pgp-signature
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Plus d'informations sur la liste de diffusion Ubuntu-tn