[ubuntu-tn] Community leadership and MC
naeilzoueidi at ubuntu.com
Ven 28 Sep 11:13:41 UTC 2018
Hey Anis and all,
It is very unfortunate to see that you took your decision to step down from
the MC and LoCo Contact position.
I wish you all the success in your next chapter, am sure that you gonna do
your best and rocks as usual.
In the other hand, I hope that we can see new faces/names that are willing
to contribute and continue working on what you have done and achieved to
this community..
A simpe "thank you" is not suffice for you. I worked with you in some tasks
(in ubuntu-tn and the international communities) and I learned from you
many things.
You were and still a good example to follow. I hope one day we can have
people/contributors that will give/have the same efforts/commitment that
you gave to ubuntu-tn.
Thanks again for all the work that you have done and good luck!
Le jeu. 27 sept. 2018 à 13:40, Nizar Kerkeni <nizarus at ubuntu.com> a écrit :
> Bonjour Anis, bonjour @ tous,
> Merci à toi aussi. Ce n'étais pas simple de prendre en main et d'assurer
> la survie d'une communauté. Malgré toutes les difficultés tu as réussi à le
> faire alors encore Bravo et bon courage pour le nouveau chapitre.
> J'espère qu'il y aura des volontaires pour prendre le relais :-) Allez les
> jeunes, manifestez vous :-)
> Librement.
> Le 27/09/2018 à 11:27, ANIS El Achèche a écrit :
> Hello family,
> Today, a chapter in my life ends, a chapter that marked my whole life with
> some ups and down, but for sure, with multiple success stories, a chapter,
> where I was part of a great community, a community that am proud of, a
> chapter, that made me proud of my brother & the family I made because of
> the community, a chapter, where I met my soul mate..
> It's strange how one forget to say "Thank you" more often to people who
> helped and keeps helping him, so, I'd like to say a huge *THANK YOU* to *nizarus, d4rk-5c0rp,
> LunaPersa, GoldenScorp, BilGa, Geekette86, Neo31, naeilzoueidi *and *ALL* current/former
> members of the community for being there for me when I needed them, thank
> you guys for being there for the community. And an eternal thank you for
> the Ubuntu-tn community as whole, because of it I met multiple awesome
> folks from other Tunisian communities (Drupal-tn, Wikimedia-tn, Mozilla-tn,
> Fedora-tn, OpenTunisia, CLibre, CLLFST, CLLFMS, Freeways, etc..) and
> International ones.
> Soon, a new chapter will start, a chapter where I'll try to build on what
> I built in the previous one..
> I am sending this email to announce my decision to step down from the *LoCo
> Contact*[0] position and the *Management Committee membership*[1], as
> mentioned in the *COC*[2] "When somebody leaves or disengages from the
> project, we ask that they do so in a way that minimises disruption to the
> project. They should tell people they are leaving and take the proper steps
> to ensure that others can pick up where they left off."
> Usually, the two positions should be held by one of the current FF[3]
> members,but, because of the contributors issue we had for years, we don't
> have multiple options. So, I suggest that the LoCo Contact will be handled
> by one of the FFs, and, as mentioned in the COC, if someone/s is/are
> willing to join the FF and the MC I will be more than happy to mentor
> him/her/them during the next months until he/she/they will be able to lead
> the community. Can you please help us decide on this matter? When the new
> LoCo Contact is elected I'll be more than happy to announce that to he
> LoCoTeams ML :-)
> However, this will not mean that I will leave the community anytime soon,
> one can not simply turn his back to his family and go away. I'll be here as
> usual and on IRC.
> Long live Ubuntu Tunisia! :-)
> [0] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamContacts
> [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/ComiteDirection
> [2] https://www.ubuntu.com/community/code-of-conduct
> [3] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tn-ff
> Regards,
> *El Achèche ANIS*
> *An Ubuntu-tn Member & Events Team Coordinator*
> *Official Ubuntu Member*
> *elacheche at ubuntu.com | # whoami *
> *"I am what I am because of who we all are" - The Ubuntu Philosophy *
> --
> Nizar Kerkeni
> Président-Fondateur Association CLibre
> http://www.clibre.tn
> Fondateur Ubuntu-Tn LoCo & Membre Ubuntu
> http://www.ubuntu-tn.org
> Sites web
> https://nizarus.tn - https://kerkeni.tn
> --
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> Ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com
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