[ubuntu-tn] Jenkins Area Meetup
esprit-club-libre at esprit.tn
Jeu 1 Nov 19:25:50 UTC 2018
Greetings folks,
We are glad to announce to you our first event for this year , the second "
Jenkins Area Meetup " in Tunisia and Africa which will be held with the
coordination of the Tunisian Jenkins Community led by Mr Ahmed Hosni
The Event is set to start at 10h and end at 13h30 this Saturday, 03/11/2018
and below you will find the event's link for more details :
Jenkins 2nd Area Meetup <https://www.facebook.com/events/738879289789162/>
[image: jinkinsJam.jpg]
* Esprit ► Libre*
"Be Free, be Esprit Libre!
We favor innovation and freedom over
Club à Esprit, fondé en 2007,qui promouvoit la philosophie du libre
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