[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: [loco-contacts] Introducing the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase for 18.04
ANIS El Achèche
elacheche at ubuntu.com
Mer 17 Jan 11:30:00 UTC 2018
*El Achèche ANIS*
*An Ubuntu-tn Member & Events Team Coordinator*
*Official Ubuntu Member*
*elacheche at ubuntu.com <elacheche at ubuntu.com> | # whoami
*"I am what I am because of who we all are" - The Ubuntu Philosophy*
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nathan Haines <nhaines at ubuntu.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 10:52 AM
Subject: [loco-contacts] Introducing the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase for
To: loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase is starting for the 18.04 cycle. We're
looking for wallpapers, videos, and music to include with the default
release of Ubuntu.
Long-term support releases like Ubuntu 18.04 LTS are very important,
because they are downloaded and installed *ten times more often* than
every single interim release combined. That means that the wallpapers,
video, and music that are shipped will be seen ten times more than in
other releases.
Ubuntu enthusiasts, please spread the word about the contest as far and
wide as you can! By getting the word out to various forums and groups,
we can increase the number of submissions dramatically, and spread
knowledge about Ubuntu in a fun and unique way.
The submission period runs through March 15, 2018. The winners will be
featured in the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS release this April.
More information is available on the Ubuntu Community Hub:
Nathan Haines
Ubuntu - https://www.ubuntu.com/
loco-contacts mailing list
loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
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