[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: Open-Source Your Knowledge

ANIS El Achèche elacheche at ubuntu.com
Jeu 21 Sep 15:11:04 UTC 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: CodinGame <coders at codingame.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 5:50 PM
Subject: Open-Source Your Knowledge


Join the Open-Source Knowledge Movement


Hi ,

You probably have heard of, or visited, our new learning site Tech.io
It's a knowledge-sharing platform that allows anyone to create open-source
content to help others learn about technologies.

The main reasons why we created this platform are:

1) A lot of CodinGamers kept asking us whether we would create a learning
section on CodinGame to help them acquire new skills;
2) Not all tech jobs worldwide are filled because tech education remains
too coslty
and something has to be done;
3) We believe best learning material on technology should be available to
all for free, under open licences and in any language.

Tech.io has improved a lot since the Beta. It now has Github integration
for collaborating editing and we've crafted a widget
to allow to embed runnable code snippets on any webpage / blog.

Several organizations worldwide already support Open-Knowledge. With
Tech.io, we want to be part of the movement. You can contribute,
too! Either by sharing what you know or simply spreading the word

Join the Cause
Keep Coding!
The CodinGame team

Follow us

A question, a problem? You can always reach us at helpdesk at codingame.com
we’ll be happy to help you.
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