[ubuntu-tn] Offre Qatar University

Haitham Barkallah haitham.barkallah at gmail.com
Mar 9 Mai 13:51:58 UTC 2017

Pour ceux qui sont intéressés
Job vacations a Qatar University

Job Title
Assistant/Associate/Full Research Professor in Data Science (Data
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Information Systems

et plein d'autres en économie, finance, architecture, etc.
au site web

Bonne chance.


Best Regards,
Haitham Barkallah

Mr. Haitham Barkallah
E-Mail  :  haitham.barkallah at gmail.com
Address: Merkez Essebaii BP 54, 3054 Sfax Tunisia
MIRACL (Multimedia InfoRmation systems and Advanced Computing Laboratory) :
FSEG *www.fsegs.rnu.tn*
IEEE Sfax Subsection:  http://sites.ieee.org/tunisia-sfax/
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