[ubuntu-tn] Goodbye Unity.. Hello Yunit

ANIS El Achèche elacheche at ubuntu.com
Ven 14 Avr 10:15:56 UTC 2017

Hello folks,

As you already know, Canonical stopped the development of Unity8 as a
future Ubuntu default Desktop, Ubuntu is joining the other 3 most popular
desktop distros (Debian, Fedora, OpenSuse) in using Gnome3 as the default
DE for the next LTS (18.04)..

Since the announcement, many Unity users & contributors shared the willing
to maintain the Unity8 code, some folks already forked Unity8 and they
started it as *Yunit*..

So, the Yunit project is looking for a logo, if you are a designer and like
to contribute go ahead and read more about this on this blog post[0]

Also, they're looking and welcoming contributors and testers, if you like
Unity and want to get a working version of Unity8 soon, you can join them
and contribute.. You'll find all needed information in their website[1]

[0] https://yunit.io/yunit-logo-contest/
[1] https://yunit.io/

*El Achèche ANIS*
*An Ubuntu-tn Member & Events Team Coordinator*
*Official Ubuntu Member  **|** Member @CLibre.tn | SysAdmin @ApptivIT*

*elacheche at ubuntu.com <elacheche at ubuntu.com> | # whoami
*"I am what I am because of who we all are" - The Ubuntu Philosophy*
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