[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: Questions for Wire messenger devs?

Rached Alaya rached.alaya at clibre.tn
Jeu 13 Oct 09:11:43 UTC 2016


Pour info

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Full Circle Magazine <lists at fullcirclemagazine.org>
Date: 2016-10-12 21:30 GMT+01:00
Subject: Questions for Wire messenger devs?

Hi folks!
In case you didn't know: Wire (the messenger which has mobile and desktop
apps that can do audio/video calls and text messaging) is now on Linux!
To bring you up to speed (basically a TL;DR): Wire runs on Android/iOS,
Windows, Mac, Linux and in most browsers. As mentioned it can do
audio/video calls. Even group calls/chats, but most important of all is
that it uses full end-to-end encryption! It's also open source with it's
code hosted on GitHub.
This is where you come in:* is there anything you'd like to ask the
developers of Wire?* Maybe something about privacy, or upcoming features?
Even if they use Linux. It's entirely up to you.
Email you questions to: ronnie at fullcirclemagazine.org and I'll pass them
For more info on Wire's privacy: https://wire.com/privacy/

*All the best!*

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Rached ALAYA
Président Association CLibre
Membre du LoCo Team ubuntu-tn
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