[ubuntu-tn] ReApproval 2015 Meeting

Naeil Zoùeidi naeilzoueidi at gmail.com
Lun 14 Sep 23:06:29 UTC 2015

I will be there indeed :)

*Zoueidi Naeîl* aka *Na3iL <http://na3il.ml/>*
Ubuntu-TN Member
Founder and President of ISETchux
*"Sharing is good, and with digital technology, sharing is easy." -**
Richard Stallman *

2015-09-14 23:47 GMT+01:00 ANIS El Achèche <elacheche at ubuntu.com>:

> Hey!
> As you know all, and I said many times before in this mailing list, we
> will need to go for a *ReApproval *this year..
> Basically, our approval expired since 30th August.. I requested a several
> days extension until the next LoCo Council meeting..
> So, the next *LoCo Council meeting *will be for tomorrow *15th September*
> by
> *09 PM*
> I already added our *LoCo *to the agenda
> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda>..
> As the LoCo contact I'll be there to defend our LoCo for a
> Re-Verification..
> If you wanna join me, please feel free to do so..
> Regards,
> *El Achèche ANIS*
> *An Ubuntu-tn Member & Events Team Coordinator*
> *Official Ubuntu Member  **|** Member @CLibre.tn | SysAdmin @ApptivIT*
> *elacheche at ubuntu.com <elacheche at ubuntu.com> | # whoami
> <http://wiki.ubuntu.com/elacheche>*
> *"I am what I am because of who we all are" - The Ubuntu Philosophy*
> --
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