[ubuntu-tn] Ubuntu Membership

Naeil Zoùeidi naeilzoueidi at gmail.com
Lun 23 Nov 18:25:04 UTC 2015


I am going to apply for *Ubuntu Membership*. Which *UMB* will discuss my

application during such a meeting that I will share the date here in the

same thread :).

If you are an *Ubuntu Member*, a *current* or *former Ubuntu-tn FF member*

you can help me with writing a testimonial on my WiKi
<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Na3iL> page & why not by being

present during the meeting :D

*Zoueidi Naeîl* aka *Na3iL <http://na3il.ml/>*
Ubuntu-TN Member
Ubuntu-africa member
Founder & current leader of TGLUG
*"Sharing is good, and with digital technology, sharing is easy." -**
Richard Stallman *
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