[ubuntu-tn] Urgent contribution : Testing Ubuntu Utopic plasma 5 backports

Sabri Boukeri sabriicone at gmail.com
Jeu 22 Jan 13:10:34 UTC 2015

Bonjour Ahmed,
J'ai essaye la procédure ci-dessous mais 'apt-get' n'arrive pas a localiser
'plasma5' donc j'ai cherche une autre procédure :

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop plasma-workspace-wallpapers

En faite, apparement il faut juste '/next' tout court.
Je vais répondre dés si j'aurais des soucis/bug avec la bibliothèque.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Ahmed Sghaier <ahmed.sghaier at ubuntu.com>

> Hello guys,
> There is a call for testers yesterday.
> We are testing Ubuntu Utopic plasma 5 backports in kubuntu-ppa/next-staging
> To do the testing we need to :
> 1. install a fresh Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic) on a Virtual Machine
> 2. add plasma5 repository
> sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next-staging
> 3. do a full upgrade
> sudo apt update
> sudo apt full-upgrade
> 4. check that it works fine (as expected, installs plasma5...)
> If there are some error please report here ASAP or contact the guys on
> #kubuntu-devel at irc.freenode.net
> Best regards,
> Ahmed Sghaier (aka Neo31)
> PS : This is not a tutorial or a training exercise. We encourage you to
> start contributing and learn by doing it and asking questions here.
> NB: Please start downloading 14.10 now if you don't have it, this is an
> urgent testing so the faster you act the better.
> --
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Boukari Sabri
HP-UX engineer
sabriicone at gmail.com
*If you don't try, if you don't risk, you won't win, *
*and you also won't fail. Never be afraid to fail *
*"Failure is the Great Teacher" *
*Glen Kilpatrick*
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