[ubuntu-tn] numero d'installation Red hat 5

ahmed bel ahsabel90 at gmail.com
Ven 2 Jan 11:23:46 UTC 2015

I know imed
but to install any package with yum comande,  red hat requires me to
register in  RHN (Red Hat Network) and the serial is required for
but it's good now  , my  friend sent me the serial.

2015-01-01 17:39 GMT+01:00 (Imed Chihi) عماد الشيحي <imed.chihi at gmail.com>:

> 2015-01-01 16:46 GMT+04:00 ahmed bel <ahsabel90 at gmail.com>:
> > hi guys please anyone can give me the serial number of redhat 5.
> The installation number on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 is not required
> and you can safely skip it.
>  -Imed
> --
> Imed Chihi - عماد الشيحي
> http://people.redhat.com/ichihi/p/
> --
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