[ubuntu-tn] Second week Bq Ubuntu Toush flash is tomorrow 9am
Ahmed Sghaier
ahmed.sghaier at ubuntu.com
Jeu 19 Fév 09:59:25 UTC 2015
<https://twitter.com/neo31_>@neo31: "@bqreaders will there be other flash
sales this week or next week?"
bqreaders : "@neo31_ there will be another, yes, but you can still buy a
phone: http://store.bqreaders.com/en/ubuntu-edition-e-4-5"
PS : today the first flash opened for 6 minutes with some issues at 9am
then it reopened again at 9:30am and still on.
On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 6:23 PM, Ahmed Sghaier <ahmed.sghaier at ubuntu.com>
> Join the experience - we’re having a flash sale tomorrow at 9am (CET) here
> >> http://www.bq.com/gb/ubuntu.html <http://t.co/He1WH67wO8> @*bqreaders*
> <https://twitter.com/bqreaders>
> https://twitter.com/ubuntu/status/568077827238715392/photo/1
> http://www.bq.com/gb/ubuntu.html
> Good luck and be ready it open only for few minutes.
> Don't waste time on the game just skip it.
> Write the form as soon as you can and submit right away.
> Don't think of buying any accessories that would take you time and lower
> your chances.
> I wish you the best luck :)
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