[ubuntu-tn] Limited First Ubuntu Touch from Bq next morning

Nebras Djemel nebras01 at gmail.com
Mer 11 Fév 11:21:47 UTC 2015

I do share your enthusiasm. I know that Ubuntu phone's won't be focusing on
convergence for now. I am just frustrated with the hardware . For
developers it would be better to have a strong phone , that won't become
obsolete very soon.
As far as comparison is concerned , I do understand that the OS is still in
early development, but it has been for relatively a long time now. We won't
catch up to android if we keep comparing the new OS to an obsolete version
of Android.
No offense intended.
On Feb 11, 2015 11:45 AM, "Ahmed Sghaier" <ahmed.sghaier at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> "We have in fact sold-out of Ubuntu phones for today's flash sale. Due to
> high demand this morning, many of you faced server issues which we
> apologies for.
> As a result of the inconvenience and understandable frustration, we have
> decided to allocate an additional batch and hold another flash sale today
> at 3pm (CET.) We don't anticipate any further server issues and the BQ shop
> will be open until stock lasts - please note phones are available in Europe
> only. Thank you all for your patience and understanding."
> My guess is that would be 3pm tunisia time make sure on the internet.
> PS : in an unrelated note @nebras, if you are following the new system dev
> you should know that neither the Bq nor MX4 is gonna get you desktop
> convergence. the focus now is on the phone and tablet, focus on desktop
> convergence is planned for 2016 no commercial release date promises yet.
> (if you are trying to compare to current commercial solution (4.x) compare
> it to android 1.x since this is ubuntu phone 1.x and be reasonable) this
> phone is not for simple end users and that's a fact statement what you
> said. That's why I have shared this exact information on the mailing list
> and not on social media of ubuntu-tn. (you tell me if you think something i
> have said isn't honest, thank you)
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 5:51 AM, Nebras Djemel <nebras01 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Let's be honest , the phone specs are very , uh , normal , and too weak
>> to get the best you'd want from what Ubuntu Touch promises . It's quite
>> disappointing. Plus it's not designed for Ubuntu , it's the "Ubuntu
>> edition" of an android phone.
>> If you have extra 200€ and believe buying a Ubuntu phone is Necessary ,
>> then good luck getting one. I personally don't think it's worth the hustle.
>> hopefully Meizu will deliver something better .
>> On Feb 10, 2015 11:45 PM, "Ahmed Sghaier" <ahmed.sghaier at ubuntu.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> The first Ubuntu Touch phone from Bq will be officially released next
>>> morning online on Bq website for less than 200 euros in limited quantities.
>>> Sorry I have been busy today, and couldn't send this email earlier.
>>> The phone will be exactly be released in 8am GMT and probably would ship
>>> only to countries in Europe.
>>> Good luck getting one :)
>>> --
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