[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: [loco-contacts] Reintroducing the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase
Nizar Kerkeni
nizarus at ubuntu.com
Lun 24 Aou 13:57:21 UTC 2015
-------- Message d'origine --------
De : Nathan Haines <nhaines at ubuntu.com>
Envoyé : 24 août 2015 04:52:08 UTC+01:00
À : "Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts" <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>
Objet : [loco-contacts] Reintroducing the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase
In the past, we’ve had the opportunity to showcase some really fun,
really incredible media in Ubuntu. Content creators who value free
culture have offered beautiful photography for the desktop and
entertaining videos and music.
Not only does this highlight the fantastic work that comes out of free
culture on Ubuntu desktops worldwide, but the music and video selections
also help show off Ubuntu’s fantastic multimedia support by providing
content for the Ubuntu live images.
The wallpaper contest has continued from cycle to cycle, but the audio
and video contests have fallen by the wayside. But Ubuntu is more
popular than ever, and can now power phones and tablets as well as
desktops and laptops. So as we move closer towards a goal of
convergence, we’d like to bring back this opportunity for artists to
share their work with millions of Ubuntu users around the world.
The winners will be featured in the Ubuntu 15.10 release in October!
We’re looking for work in one of three categories:
* Wallpapers – we’ll choose 11 stunning photographs, but also one
illustrative wallpaper that focuses on Ubuntu 15.10’s codename: wily
* Videos – we need to keep it small, so we’re looking for a 1280x720
video of about 30 seconds.
* Audio – everybody loves music, so a song between 2-5 minutes will rock
speakers around the world!
You’re limited to a total of two submissions in any single category.
All content must be released under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Sharealike or Creative Commons Attribute license. (The
Creative Commons Zero waiver is okay, too!). Each entrant must only
submit content they have created themselves, and all submissions must
adhere to the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.
We’re still selecting a panel of judges from the Canonical and Ubuntu
design teams and the Ubuntu community. But you’ll have plenty of time
to submit your contributions before the final submission deadline:
September 15th, 2015 at 23:59 UTC.
There are more technical details for each category, so please see the
Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase wiki page for the latest information and
submission groups!
Nathan Haines
Ubuntu - http://www.ubuntu.com/
loco-contacts mailing list
loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
Nizar Kerkeni
Président Association CLibre
LoCo ubuntu-tn & ubuntu member
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