[ubuntu-tn] Laptop stickers

Naeil Zoùeidi naeilzoueidi at gmail.com
Mar 14 Avr 23:57:42 UTC 2015

Hey, u can assit our events <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/Events>
and u'll get them all :D

*Zoueidi Naeîl* aka *Na3iL <http://na3il.ml/>*
Ubuntu-TN Member
Founder and President of ISETchux
*"Sharing is good, and with digital technology, sharing is easy." -**
Richard Stallman *

2015-04-11 20:14 GMT+01:00 Omar Belkhiria <3oomayr at gmail.com>:

> Assalamo aalaykom,
> Where could I get "stickers"  of Ubuntu,  ubuntu-TN, opensource,.. in
> Sousse?
> --
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