[ubuntu-tn] Shellshock!

Zied ELLOUZE zied86 at gmail.com
Lun 29 Sep 09:22:47 UTC 2014

How to Protect your Server Against the Shellshock Bash Vulnerability :

2014-09-29 9:42 GMT+01:00 ANIS El Achèche <elacheche at ubuntu.com>:

> Good morning folks!
> So, I don't know if you already heard about Shellshok or not yet.. Any
> way if you don't so it's time to read about and google it..
> It's a critical BASH bug, that can allow remote execution of shell
> commands/scripts on a vulnerable system..
> After the announcement of the bug, a patch was released and many OSs
> released the bash package update.
> So now after days of talking about the bug and that Ubuntu, and other OSs
> are offering updates, I think that you need to check your System(s).. And
> figure out if your OS is still vulnerable or not.
> This is a website dedicated to the bug → https://shellshocker.net/
> Please be careful using pipes and commands that you don't understand.
> *El Achèche ANIS*
> *An Ubuntu-tn Member & Events Team Coordinator*
> *Official Ubuntu Member  **|** Member @CLibre.tn | Junior
> SysAdmin @ApptivIT*
> *elacheche at ubuntu.com <elacheche at ubuntu.com> | # whoami
> <http://wiki.ubuntu.com/elacheche>*
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