[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: $100 off Linux Foundation Certification for Ubuntu Members
jemi aymen
jemiaymen at gmail.com
Mer 8 Oct 12:40:02 UTC 2014
j'ai contacté Jorge O. Castro et le discount code "UbuntuOct100".
Good Luck .
Best regards,
Jemi Aymen.
Software Enginner.
skype : jemi.aimen
fb : http://facebook.com/jemiaymen
tel: (+216) 58 455 937
2014-10-08 12:30 GMT+01:00 ANIS El Achèche <elacheche at ubuntu.com>:
> Bonjour,
> @SalahEddine: Non, le programme est un test en ligne, d'une durée de 2
> heures (si je me trompe pas), alors il est possible de passer la certif de
> n'importe quel pays.
> BTW, ton mail est en spam comme d'habitude :)
> Juste j'aimerai bien faire la remarque que le réduction de 100$ est juste
> pour les Membres Ubuntu, pour le reste la certif est à 300$
> *El Achèche ANIS*
> *An Ubuntu-tn Member & Events Team Coordinator*
> *Official Ubuntu Member **|** Member @CLibre.tn | Junior
> SysAdmin @ApptivIT*
> *elacheche at ubuntu.com <elacheche at ubuntu.com> | # whoami
> <http://wiki.ubuntu.com/elacheche>*
> *"I am what I am because of who we all are" - The Ubuntu Philosophy*
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Salaheddine Hamza SFAR <
> saladin_hs at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> bonjour tout le monde et bonnes fêtes,
>> j'ai cru comprendre que le programme de certification de la fondation
>> Linux et encore à ses débuts. Les formations sont programmées seulement aux
>> US
>> corrigez moi si je me trompe..
>> a+
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Rached Alaya <rached.alaya at gmail.com>
>> *To:* Ubuntu Tunisian LoCo Team Mailing List <ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 7, 2014 10:17 PM
>> *Subject:* [ubuntu-tn] Fwd: $100 off Linux Foundation Certification for
>> Ubuntu Members
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *Jorge O. Castro* <jorge at ubuntu.com>
>> Date: 2014-10-07 8:19 GMT+01:00
>> Subject: $100 off Linux Foundation Certification for Ubuntu Members
>> To: "Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts" <
>> loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>, ubuntu-news-team at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Hello everyone! The Linux Foundation is now offering $100 off their
>> Linux Certification program for Ubuntu members until November 7th.
>> Please see the following link with instructions, and good luck to
>> those of you who take the exam!
>> -
>> http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/100-off-linux-foundation-certification-for-ubuntu-members/1915
>> --
>> Jorge Castro
>> Canonical Ltd.
>> http://juju.ubuntu.com/ - Automate your Cloud Infrastructure
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>> Cordialement
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> Rached ALAYA
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