[ubuntu-tn] problem on my VPS hosted in OVH

besbes bechir besbes.bechir22 at gmail.com
Mer 26 Nov 00:25:15 UTC 2014

Hello Ubuntu TN,

I had problem with restarting to normal boot

after restarting my vps open into rescue mode and got this message from OVH
also got root access for rescue mode.

Our system has automatically booted your VPS into rescue mode because the
action that you requested could not be performed.

Error message:
ERROR: /sbin/init need 'execution' permission

- Your VPS's tree structure has mounted into '/mnt'.

You can log in to your VPS (37.***.***.***) via SSH with the following

  - username: root
  - password: *******

You can now carry out the necessary maintenance to restore your VPS. For
example, you can:

  - check and, if required, deactivate your firewall
  - perform a backup or data recovery
  - check and update your network configuration files
  - etc.

If you think that you have identified the cause of the problem and wish to
reboot your VPS normally, you must configure the netboot of your VPS on the
hard disk (normal mode).

You will find additional information in our guide:

Best Regards
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