[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: Together we will deliver a free and open internet
ANIS El Achèche
elacheche at ubuntu.com
Mar 25 Mar 09:52:19 UTC 2014
*Just FYI!*
*El Achèche ANIS*
*An Ubuntu-tn Member & Events Team Coordinator*
*Official Ubuntu Member **|** Member @CLibre.tn | Junior
SysAdmin @ApptivIT*
*elacheche at ubuntu.com <elacheche at ubuntu.com> | # whoami
<http://wiki.ubuntu.com/elacheche> *
*"I am what I am because of who we all are" - The Ubuntu Philosophy*
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jon Fox <access at accessnow.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:05 AM
Subject: Together we will deliver a free and open internet
To: elachecheanis at gmail.com
*Help Access turn RightsCon plans into action. Let's make 2014 go down in
history as the year we secured our global digital rights: Donate
Dear Friend,
This month we got a report from the frontlines: At
Access' global conference on tech and human rights, we worked with more
than 700 people from 65 countries to tackle urgent challenges for
safeguarding the future of digital rights.
Activists, tech companies, and government representatives came together to*
plan for a future in which all our rights are secure*, and our internet
remains free. Three days later, we left with strategies, campaigns, and
coalitions to make 2014 a year of digital rights.
*Can you help us turn these plans into action? We need your
Access is hard at work to make sure this year delivers on a free and open
future. At RightsCon, we launched the Encrypt All the Things
demo'ed our 24/7 Digital Helpline for global activists, and announced plans
to bring RightsCon to Southeast Asia for March 2015.
But 2014 isn't just about new initiatives: *it's also about doubling down
on what works.*
Access has worked hard to defend against mass surveillance through the
adoption of the Necessary and Proportionate Principles -- and at RightsCon,
representatives of the U.S. government announced their support for a set of
similar principles governing U.S. surveillance programs. Next up?* We're
going to make sure other governments do the same.*
For years now, we've been pushing global telcos to step up and accept their
responsibilities to protect human rights: At RightsCon, we got top
leadership from some of the world's major telcos to come on stage for their
very first public discussion. *But we're not close to done yet: there are
still many more telcos who need to come to the table.*
*Will you help us keep the momentum going? Join Access' global efforts by
donating $10, $15, or $25
2014 is a year for outcomes. We've got surveillance, telcos, helplines, and
encryption on the list -- and dozens more RightsCon proposals, outcomes, and
action plans<https://www.accessnow.org/page/m/3717cf4a/13af438c/70dacf3c/1de14e5f/114049225/VEsO/>for
defending digital freedoms worldwide. And of course: we have
Southeast Asia on the horizon.*
We need your support to rise to these challenges. *Will you help by
donating $10, 15, or $25 dollars
For your digital rights,
Jon Fox
Global Advocacy Manager, Access
*Access defends and extends the digital rights of users at risk around the
world. By combining tech-driven policy, user engagement, and direct
technical support, we fight for open and secure communications for all. To
help protect the internet around the world, you can donate to Access
reply, please email info at accessnow.org <info at accessnow.org>. **To
unsubscribe, go to: **https://www.accessnow.org/unsubscribe
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