[ubuntu-tn] Linux Foundation & edX Launch Course For Learning Linux

DRISSI LYNDA drissilynda at yahoo.fr
Jeu 13 Mar 20:49:16 UTC 2014

ena mafhimt chay,nheb n3mel formation wn7thir des reunions

Le Jeudi 13 mars 2014 12h38, Omar Belkhiria <3oomayr at gmail.com> a écrit :
On 14-03-13 11:16 AM, Fakher Haddaoui wrote:

> Open For All: Linux Foundation & edX Launch Course For Learning Linux
>Learning all about Linux is about to get easier and more organized with a two pronged push. In a major educational initiative, The Linux Foundation is building a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) program in partnership with edX. The Linux Foundatio…
> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/open-linux-foundation-…  
> View Now 
جازاك الله خيرا 8-) 

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