[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: Linux Foundation Briefing Book: March 10, 2014

ANIS El Achèche elacheche at ubuntu.com
Lun 10 Mar 17:41:28 UTC 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Linux Foundation <no-reply at linuxfoundation.org>
Date: Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 6:36 PM
0Subject: Linux Foundation Briefing Book: March 10, 2014
To: elachecheanis at gmail.com

 *This Week's Original Content From The Linux Foundation*

*IBM's Mike Day: KVM More Visible Through
*By Libby Clark    *
In this Q&A Mike Day, distinguished engineer and chief virtualization
architect at IBM, discusses the progress of KVM and the open source cloud.

*An Introduction to the AWS Command Line Tool Part
*By Rene Cunningham    *

In Part 1 of this series, I introduced awscli, a powerful command line
interface which can be used to manage AWS services. I'd like to continue
digging deeper into awscli by provisioning a Volume with Amazon Elastic
Block Store (EBS) and creating an Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
MySQL instance.

*SUSE Labs Director Talks Live Kernel Patching with
*By Libby Clark    *

In this Q&A Vojtech Pavlik, Director of SUSE Labs, goes into more detail on
their live kernel patching project; how the kGraft patch integrates with
the Linux kernel; how it compares with other live-patching solutions; how
developers will be able to use the upcoming release; and the project's
interaction with the kernel community for upstream acceptance.

*What is the GnuTLS Bug and How to Protect Your Linux System From
*By Konstantin Ryabitsev *
A popular free software library, GnuTLS, failed to correctly validate some
X.509 certificates in a way that is very reminiscent of the bug that
recently affected Apple. Here's what it is and how to apply a security
patch to your Linux system.

*Attack of the 64-bit Octa-core: A Roundup of Newly Announced Mobile
*By Eric Brown*

As usual, Mobile World Congress was packed with cool new SoCs, most of
which are destined for Android phones and tablets. Some will see wider
usage in the broader world of embedded Linux and Android devices.

*Five Funny Little Linux Network Testers and
*By Carla Schroder*

In this roundup of Linux network testing utilities we use Bandwidthd,
Speedometer, Nethogs, Darkstat, and iperf to track bandwidth usage, speed,
find network hogs, and test performance.

*How to Install the LTSI-3.10 Kernel on Raspberry Pi and
*By Hisashi Hashimoto *

I have installed the new official LTSI-3.10 release on Raspberry Pi and
MinnowBoard. The following describes the installation steps.
Featured Linux.com Video Content

*Linux Video of the Week: Yocto Project Saves Embedded Linux Devs from
Frankenstein OS*<http://go.linuxfoundation.org/e/6342/inux-devs-from-frankenstein-os/y1byv/514641315>
*By Libby Clark  *

Hacking together custom embedded operating systems from scratch is akin to
building Frankenstein out of code.
Other News You Need To Know

*This Summer, You Can Learn Linux Free & Online From Harvard &

*Critical Crypto Bug Leaves Linux, Hundreds of Apps Open to

*Sub-$400 CyanogenMod-Powered Smartphone Details
Recently Posted Job Opportunities

*Sr. Linux Administrator  *
*ETC (Richardson, TX)*

*(IT) Linux/Unix Enterprise Architect (AS17239) *

*Enclipse Corp. (Berkeley, CA)*

*Mobile Architect IoS and Android
*Request Technology (Deerfield, IL)*
Upcoming Training Opportunities

*Linux Kernel Internals and
*March 24 - 28 - Virtual*

*Introduction to Linux KVM
*March 25 - Napa, CA *

*SPECIAL OFFER: Receive 15% off of these training courses with the discount
code 15MarBB.*

*Collaboration Summit*<http://go.linuxfoundation.org/e/6342/events-collaboration-summit/y1bzv/514641315>
*March 26 - 28 - The Meritage Resort, Napa Valley, CA*

*Android Builders
*April 29 - May 1 - San Jose Marriott, San Jose, CA*


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The Linux Foundation, 660 York Street, Suite 102, San Francisco, CA 94110

*El Achèche ANIS*
*An Ubuntu-tn Member & Events Team Coordinator*
*Official Ubuntu Member  **|** Member @CLibre.tn | Junior
SysAdmin @ApptivIT*

*elacheche at ubuntu.com <elacheche at ubuntu.com> | # whoami
<http://wiki.ubuntu.com/elacheche> **"I am what I am because of who we all
are" - The Ubuntu Philosophy*
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