[ubuntu-tn] (no subject)
Ben Salah Alaeddine
alaeddinebensalah at gmail.com
Mer 30 Avr 21:56:47 UTC 2014
@Sabri merci pour l'explication
2014-04-30 22:31 GMT+01:00 sabri boukari <sabriicone at gmail.com>:
> Bonsoir
> ***
> Se chercher des personnes pouvant participer/aider/contribuer à un projet
> innovant n'est pas pertinent/indicatif selon vous ?
> Amener l'idée que la communauté travaille sur un sujet aussi intéressant
> n'est pas pertinent/indicatif selon vous?
> @Amine Why do one need to change the USART for the USART6 ? What
> diffrence does it make? I mean what in USART6 is needed for U-Boot to run
> and is not in the other USARTs on the board?
> Thanks!
> **
> Voici le mail sur lequel les transferts se font .
> [ubuntu-tn] (no subject) <-- le probleme est ici
> @Ala , parle du sujet c.a.d de l'entete, on doit pas etre toujours amene a
> decouvrir le contenue d'un email pour savoir si on peut /doit participer ou
> non.
> Merci,
> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 11:21 PM, ilbreebchi tn <breebchi.com at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Se chercher des personnes pouvant participer/aider/contribuer à un projet
>> innovant n'est pas pertinent/indicatif selon vous ?
>> Amener l'idée que la communauté travaille sur un sujet aussi intéressant
>> n'est pas pertinent/indicatif selon vous?
>> @Amine Why do one need to change the USART for the USART6 ? What
>> diffrence does it make? I mean what in USART6 is needed for U-Boot to run
>> and is not in the other USARTs on the board?
>> Thanks!
>> 2014-04-30 21:51 GMT+01:00 Ben Salah Alaeddine <
>> alaeddinebensalah at gmail.com>:
>>> donner à vos mail des sujets pertinent et indicatif :)
>>> 2014-04-30 18:14 GMT+01:00 Amine Aouled Hamed <amine.ahd at gmail.com>:
>>> well my project is supervised by my teacher and its a school project too.
>>>> what I have made till now is :
>>>> -I've got a clue on how U-boot really works, how the different header
>>>> files and C files are linked to each other and what files I need to change.
>>>> -I've found a U-boot version that supports the STM32F429-Disco board
>>>> (made by Emcraft, here <https://github.com/EmcraftSystems/u-boot>) and
>>>> it works for my board as well ( you need to change the USART to USART6).
>>>> -My partner is currently working on the kernel, we are working on the
>>>> UClinux kernel (here <http://www.uclinux.org/>).
>>>> my first goal is just to run it on the board, by using the Emcraft
>>>> version. I will then try to study what files need to be changed and how
>>>> they work.
>>>> as for Node.Js, a quick search led me to this link<http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/nodejs-presentation_0.pdf>,
>>>> it describes how to build Node.Js for ARM processors, thats a good starting
>>>> point.
>>>> this link <http://howtonode.org/how-to-install-nodejs>, tells that a
>>>> Linux host is needed to install Node.Js along with some dependencies.
>>>> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 5:48 PM, ilbreebchi tn <breebchi.com at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> I am interested! I am actually working on a little school project,
>>>>> which is to take end by mid may, on an STM32F4Discovery (VG). And I had in
>>>>> mind to work on porting node.js this summer. But I have no idea how to do
>>>>> it. Could you give me more details on the advances you made on your
>>>>> project? I can participate if that doesn't bother you.
>>>>> 2014-04-30 17:40 GMT+01:00 Amine Aouled Hamed <amine.ahd at gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>> is there anyone interested in embedded Linux projects?
>>>>>> I am currently trying to port a Linux kernel to the STM32F4DISCO
>>>>>> board and I would like to go deeper on the subject and participate in
>>>>>> another project this summer.
>>>>>> Please let me know if someone is interested or have any information
>>>>>> regarding the subject.
>>>>>> thanks
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>>> --
>>> *Alaeddine Ben Salah**Fondateur et Porte Parole a CLL FSM (Club des
>>> Logiciels Libres)*
>>> *Membre Ubnutu-Tn*
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> --
> Boukari Sabri
> HP-UX engineer
> sabriicone at gmail.com
> *If you don't try, if you don't risk, you won't win, *
> *and you also won't fail. Never be afraid to fail *
> *"Failure is the Great Teacher" *
> *Glen Kilpatrick*
> --
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*Alaeddine Ben Salah**Fondateur et Porte Parole a CLL FSM (Club des
Logiciels Libres)*
*Membre Ubnutu-Tn*
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