[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: Fwd: [Inno4dev] 2014 Innovation Prize for Africa (IPA)

Nizar Kerkeni nizarus at ubuntu.com
Ven 22 Nov 12:03:39 UTC 2013


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Daniel Otieno Omondi* <dottocomp at yahoo.com
<mailto:dottocomp at yahoo.com>>
Date: Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Inno4dev] 2014 Innovation Prize for Africa (IPA)
To: "inno4dev at undpegov.org <mailto:inno4dev at undpegov.org>"
<inno4dev at undpegov.org <mailto:inno4dev at undpegov.org>>

*AFRINIC's Fund for Internet Research and Education – FIRE Programme:
* *
There are 9 days left for the call for entries for the 2013-2014
<tel:2013-2014> FIRE Grants.
The Fund for Internet Research and Education (FIRE) aims at encouraging
ICT development innovations that contribute to sustainable development
in Africa.
The FIRE Programme gives grants of up to *USD 10 000* to projects that
will be implemented in the Africa region within a 6 to 12 month period.
The FIRE Programme invites African organisations, entrepreneurs and
innovators to propose projects under one of three categories which include:
1) Innovation on Access provision: fostering ICT growth in Africa by
ensuring that the delivery mechanism is available, reliable and scalable;
2) E-development: the development, deployment and enhancement of
content, applications and solutions.
3) Freedom of Expression: initiatives related to freedom of expression,
freedom of association, privacy, security, consumer's rights, new forms
of intellectual property in the digital environment, and a wider range
of issues related to Internet and human rights.

*The registration deadline for the 2013-2014 <tel:2013-2014> Grants has
been extended to 30 November 2013.

* * For detailed information about competition categories, conditions of
entry and submission procedures, please click on the links below:

English version:

French Version:

Visit www.fireafrica.org <http://www.fireafrica.org/> or send us an
email on: fireprogram at afrinic.net <mailto:fireprogram at afrinic.net> for
any other query.

The FIRE Programme Secretariat

Babusha Radhakissoon
Social Media/Online Engagement Officer, AFRINIC Ltd.
t:  +230 403 5100 <tel:%2B230%20403%205100> | f: +230 466 6758 <tel:%2B230%20466%206758> | tt: @afrinic | w: www.afrinic.net <http://www.afrinic.net/>
facebook.com/afrinic <http://facebook.com/afrinic> | flickr.com/afrinic <http://flickr.com/afrinic> | youtube.com/afrinicmedia <http://youtube.com/afrinicmedia>
Join us at AFRINIC-19 in Abidjan, Cote  d'Ivoire, 23-29 November 2013

isoc mailing list
isoc at orion.my.co.ke <mailto:isoc at orion.my.co.ke>

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Daniel O.Omondi
Dotto Computer Agency
P.O.Box 16753-00100
Cell:+254-722-756211 <tel:%2B254-722-756211>
E-mail:dottocomp at yahoo.com <mailto:E-mail%3Adottocomp at yahoo.com>

On Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:52 PM, Gonzalo Aramayo
<gonzalo.aramayo at undp.org <mailto:gonzalo.aramayo at undp.org>> wrote:
Dear all,
The deadline for the 2014 innovation Prize for Africa (IPA) was extended
to November 30th.
IPA is organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
(ECA) and the African Innovation Foundation (AIF).
More information:

Best regards,

Gonzalo Aramayo
/The// //African Innovation Foundation
<http://www.africaninnovation.org/>// today (31/10/2013) announced it
will extend the deadline for the //Innovation Prize for Africa 
<http://innovationprizeforafrica.org/>//(IPA) 2014 applications to 30
November 2013. The IPA is an initiative that mobilizes African
innovators and entrepreneurs who deliver market-oriented solutions that
increase efficiency or cost-saving in Africa.  Attending an innovation
roundtable in Nigeria, the IPA representative highlighted the need to
invest in innovation to accelerate economic growth on the continent./

Inno4dev mailing list
Inno4dev at undpegov.org <mailto:Inno4dev at undpegov.org>

Nizar Kerkeni
Président Association CLibre
LoCo ubuntu-tn & ubuntu member

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