[ubuntu-tn] Howto: Configure a Portable Load Balancing 3G Multi-WAN Router + Wireless AP

Willie Seabrook willie at angrycactus.biz
Ven 15 Nov 17:38:36 UTC 2013

Hi Guys

I have posted instructions on how to create our network solution for
tomorrow on the ClearOS forums, in case some other OS communities need a
similar solution for their own install parties.

I'm not sure how well it will perform, as I've never tested it before, but
I guess we will find out tomorrow! I look forward to seeing you all there.

The tutorial is available at the following link:


Best Regards,
Willie Seabrook
Angry Cactus Technology

Mobile: +216 92 778 550

Skype: themesandmodules
Connect with me on Linked In: http://nz.linkedin.com/in/willieseabrook

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