[ubuntu-tn] Canonical Announces "Flipped" Ubuntu Touch Images

ANIS El Achèche elachecheanis at gmail.com
Jeu 4 Juil 07:01:21 UTC 2013

The Ubuntu Touch image model has been flipped around so that Android is no
longer on the bottom side and that Ubuntu is going for a different

Oliver Grawert wrote a mailing list post in sharing that these new "flipped
images" are now the default for Ubuntu Touch.

What do these flipped images mean? "The legacy Ubuntu Touch images run
Ubuntu inside a chroot on top of android. For the flipped model we are
instead booting directly into Ubuntu and then start up android inside an
LXC container before starting any services/applications. Currently we're
providing images for maguro, mako, manta and grouper, and all are tested
and known to work."

Basically, with Ubuntu Touch relying upon Android, up to now Ubuntu Touch
would be booting Android (CyanogenMod) and then from there launch Ubuntu
from a chroot. Now instead, Ubuntu Linux itself is booting on the hardware
and then starting up Android/CyanogenMod within an LinuX Container (LXC).

*Source <http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTQwMTg>*

Best Regards,
El Achèche ANIS
 Linux user *#486664 *
 Ubuntu user *#32379 *
  ubuntiste-msakni <http://ubuntiste-msakni.legtux.org>
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