[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: [CLibre] Commotion 1.0 est sortie avec une belle histoire du Mesh Network du Sayada

ANIS El Achèche elachecheanis at gmail.com
Mar 31 Déc 19:47:11 UTC 2013

Sayada, un modèle à suivre pour toute les villes tunisienne :)

*Bravo CLibre & Sayada* :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rached Alaya <rached.alaya at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 7:28 PM
Subject: [CLibre] Commotion 1.0 est sortie avec une belle histoire du Mesh
Network du Sayada
To: clibre at clibre.tn

#MeshNetworkSayada #story by New America’s Open Technology Institute :
In the city of Sayada, local media has hailed the deployment of a beta
version of Commotion for powering the first free community WiFi network in
Tunisia, and serving as a model for the rest of the country for its
potential to strengthen democratic institutions and boost social and
economic opportunities. In three days of deployment, local volunteers
covered 70% of the city using Commotion, and the coalition of local
technologists, builders and civic leaders is continuing to expand the
network to reach all of the city's 16,000 residents. Tunisian regulations
prohibit public Internet via Wi-Fi, so the network has a local server that
provides offline versions of Wikipedia in French and Arabic, a collection
of electronic books, maps of Tunisia, applications for chat, filesharing
and collaborative document editing, and a mirror of the Sayada municipal
website. Anyone on the network can choose to share their Internet
connection with everyone else on the network.

Rached ALAYA
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وتصنف ضمن خانة المراسلات ذات طبيعة شخصية.  في حالة ما إذا توصلتم هذه
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المرسل إليه بذلك

Best Regards,
El Achèche ANIS
 Linux user *#486664 *
 Ubuntu user *#32379 *
  ubuntiste-msakni <http://ubuntiste-msakni.legtux.org>
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