[ubuntu-tn] would u like to known more about QT and C++ programming ??
Basma Mcharek-Boussif
bmcharek at gmail.com
Lun 16 Déc 22:35:59 UTC 2013
Hi Mohamed,
Thanks for sharing.
Unfortunately, the download link doesn't work. Whereas the other link
redirects you to the store's page where you can download an example of the
2013/12/16 Mohamed MANSOUR <med.mnsour at gmail.com>
> Hello World ,
> I like sharing with you this e-book , it is a great one , which can
> improve your programming level in C++ and QT 4 ! Actually , we need it to
> build an Ubuntu-Touch App :) Enjoy
> http://www.e-booksdirectory.com/details.php?ebook=6984
> --
> Respectueusement
> Mohamed MANSOUR
> --
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Met vriendelijke groeten,
Besma M'charek Boussif
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