[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: Computer Programmers: Solve the puzzle before 7PM on Fri Mar 30, and win $2, 000!
MS Ouerghi
ouerghi at gmail.com
Jeu 29 Mar 07:25:01 UTC 2012
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From: Ma3bar <info at ma3bar.org>
Date: 2012/3/27
Subject: Computer Programmers: Solve the puzzle before 7PM on Fri Mar 30,
and win $2,000!
Dear computer programmers/students/freelancers,
Please accept my apologies if you have received multiple copies of this
Solve the puzzle before 7PM on Fri Mar 30, and win $2000!
It is available at: http://www.dermandar.com/puzzle.zip<http://t.co/UEf2BD1Z>
This package has a data folder that contains 2000 raw images, 52x52 pixels,
RGB 24 bits, that correspond to the pieces of a puzzle representing a
4000x1250 pixel image. Each adjacent pair of images overlap on 1 row/column
of pixels. Border images have a duplicated row/column of pixels.
Try to rebuild the puzzle by writing the most elegant program in any
Send the resulting image (png format) and your sources to
puzzle at dermandar.com before 30 March 2012, 19h00 Beirut Time.
The best program (elegant, simple, fast) will be awarded $2,000.
The Ma3bar.org team
[image: Ma3bar.org Logo]
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المرسل إليه بذلك
Mohamed Saïd OUERGHI
Universitaire - Expert en TIC
ENSI - Univ. Manouba (Tunisie)
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