[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: [SFD-announce] Software Freedom Day 2011 Best Event Competition result announcement

Wassim Derguech dfsa.derwas at gmail.com
Ven 15 Juin 09:52:44 UTC 2012

Bonjour à tous,

Bravo pour toute l'equipe qui a fait en sorte que la Tunisie gagne encore
une dexième fois l'un des prix des meilleurs SFD Events!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Frederic Muller - SFI <fred at softwarefreedomday.org>
Date: 2012/6/15
Subject: [SFD-announce] Software Freedom Day 2011 Best Event Competition
result announcement
To: SFD announcements <sfd-announce at sf-day.org>, "Discussions about
planning for SFD (english)" <planning-en at sf-day.org>

Hudson, New Hampshire (June 15, 2011) - Digital Freedom International is
one more time very proud to announce the SFD 2011 best event competition
results. Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free
and Open Source Software (FOSS) with the goal of educating the public
about the existence and the benefits of using FOSS in education, in
government, at home and in business.

The SFD Best Event Competition is an international recognition of the
efforts made by individual organizing teams in regards to spreading the
importance of Software Freedom and reaching out to the relevant groups
of people in their area. Each year three teams are chosen and the awards
given to those teams are meant to help them further in their tasks for
the years to come.

This year again, two leading organizations from the Free and Open Source
Software movements have joined us to reward those exceptional achievers:
the Free Software Foundation, the non-profit organization behind the
Free Software movement, and Lemote, a private company making PCs running
only Free Software from the BIOS to the drivers and the operating system
as well.

Among the 50 submissions we have received the three teams that came out
as outstanding organizers and promoters of Software Freedom in 2011 will
be known by some of you for having organized SFD in the past (and some
even won that same competition in the past). We would like to name in no
specific order:
* SFD team 8layertech, Philippines
* SFD team CP-Union, Philippines
* SFD team IEEE ENIS Student Branch, Tunisia

As a general comment we were very pleased to see a higher quality of
most events participating in the competition and would also like to
mention some entries which didn't make it in the top 3 but definitely
deserve to be mentioned:
* Palestine Software Freedom Day
* Bluepoint Linux User Elite
* Algeria Software Freedom Day

Congratulations to all!

Full details available here:

The above teams should be an inspiration to all SFD organizers and help
you to prepare for SFD 2012 which will happen on Saturday September 15th
this year.

About DFI - Digital Freedom International is the non-profit organization
at the origin of Software Freedom Day. DFI handles sponsorship
contracts, official team registrations, sending out schwags to teams,
the annual Best SFD Event Competition and many other things.
For more information please contact:
Frederic Muller
Software Freedom International President
info (at) sf-day.org
or visit our website at www.softwarefreedomday.org

SFD-announce mailing list
SFD-announce at sf-day.org

Derguech Wassim -DERWAS-


GSM: (+353) 879406596
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