[ubuntu-tn] Documentation Pour LPI 304
mohamed ali hajri
hajrimohamedali1 at hotmail.fr
Ven 1 Juin 08:29:31 UTC 2012
bonjour Sabri si tu va passer la certif avant juillet tu peut utiliser la documentation existante mais a partir de juillet il aura des changements majeur dans le programme de la certif cordialement hajri mohamed ali
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 10:50:17 -0400
From: sabriicone at gmail.com
To: ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-tn] Documentation Pour LPI 304
C'est normale la formation par CifodCom et support pour 5Jours, il n y a quasiment personnes qui performe tout les modules a 100%, on nous as donné 1/4 a part ça , ce qu'on regrette vraiment c'est l'inexistance d'une documentation complète pour cette certification.
Programs » LPIC-3 »
Exam 304: Detailed Objectives
Exam 304: Detailed Objectives
successful completion of this exam entitles candidates to the specialty
designation: LPI 304: Virtualization and High Availability
VirtualizationLoad Balancing
Cluster ManagementCluster Storage
Topic 330: Virtualization
330.1 Virtualization Concepts and Theory
Weight: 10Description: Candidates should know and
understand the general concepts, theory and terminology of
Virtualization. This includes Xen and KVM terminology.
Key Knowledge Areas
Terminology Pros and Cons of Virtualization Variations of Virtual Machine Monitors
Terms and Utilities
Hypervisor HVM(HardwareVirtualMachine) PV(Paravirtualization) domains emulation and simulation CPU flags
330.2 Xen
Weight: 10Description: Candidates should be able to install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot Xen installations.
Key Knowledge Areas
Terms and Utilities
Xen w/Intel VT Xen w/AMD-V Dom0 DomU GuestOS HostOS xm /etc/xen xmdomain.cfg xentop
330.3 KVM
Weight: 7Description: Candidates should be able to install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot KVM installations.
Key Knowledge Areas
Terms and Utilities
/proc/cpuinfo kernel modules: kvm kvm-intel kvm-amd /etc/kvm/ kvm-qemu kvm_stat kvm netwoking kvm monitor kvm storage qemu
330.4 Other Virtualization Solutions
Weight: 3Description: Candidates should have some basic knowledge and experience with alternatives to Xen and KVM.
Key Knowledge Areas
Terms and Utilities
OpenVZ VirtualBox
Topic 331: Load Balancing
331.1 Linux Virtual Server
Weight: 5Description: Candidates should know how to
install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot LVS. This includes the
configuration and use of keepalived.
Key Knowledge Areas
IPVS VRRP keepalived configuration
Terms and Utilities
ipvsadm syncd LVS-NAT/Tun/DR/LocalNode connection scheduling algorithms genhash
331.2 HAProxy
Weight: 3Description: Exam candidates should be able to install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot HAProxy.
Key Knowledge Areas
Terms and Utilities
ACLs load balancing algorithms
331.3 LinuxPMI
Weight: 1Description: Candidates should understand the concepts of LinuxPMI. Basic experience in the installation of LinuxPMI is also expected.
Key Knowledge Areas
kernel patching SSI vs MSI
Terms and Utilities
Topic 332: Cluster Management
332.1 Pacemaker
Weight: 5Description: Candidates should have experience
in the installation, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting of
the Pacemaker cluster management set of technologies. This includes the
use of heartbeat version 2.
Key Knowledge Areas
Essential cluster configuration resource agents
Terms and Utilities
crmd PEngine CIB ptest cibadmin crmadmin crm_* resource agentsauthkeys /usr/lib/heartbeat/ResourceManager /etc/ha.d/
332.2 Advanced Pacemaker
Weight: 3Description: Candidates should have experience
in advanced features of the Pacemaker cluster management set of
technologies. This includes the use of OpenAIS and corosync.
Key Knowledge Areas
fencing quorum data integrity integration with file systems
Terms and Utilities
STONITHd OCFS2 ldirectord softdog OpenAIS and corosync
332.3 Red Hat Cluster Suite
Weight: 3Description: Candidates should have experience
in the installation, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting of
the Red Hat Cluster Suite cluster management set of technologies.
Key Knowledge Areas
Essential cluster configuration resource agents
Terms and Utilities
ccs OpenAIS rgmanager /etc/ais/ /etc/corosync/
332.4 Advanced Red Hat Cluster Suite
Weight: 1Description: Candidates should have experience
in advanced features of the Red Hat Cluster Suite cluster management set
of technologies. This includes the use and integration with LVS and
Key Knowledge Areas
fencing quorum data integrity integration with file systems integration with LVS
Terms and Utilities
qdiskd /etc/lvs.cf Piranha GFS Conga
Topic 333: Cluster Storage
333.1 DRBD
Weight: 3Description: Candidates are expected to have
the experience and knowledge to install, configure, maintain and
troubleshoot DRBD devices. This includes integration with Pacemaker and
Key Knowledge Areas
Terms and Utilities
w/Pacemaker w/heartbeat
333.2 Global File System and OCFS2
Weight: 3Description: Candidates should know how to install, maintain and troubleshoot installations using GFS and OCFS2.
Key Knowledge Areas
Terms and Utilities
GFS2 Distributed Lock Manager
333.3 Other Clustered File Systems
Weight: 1Description: Candidates should have an awareness of other clustered filesystems available in a Linux environment.
Key Knowledge Areas
Terms and Utilities
Coda AFS GlusterFS
==> ce qu'on a fait :
Cluster Management
Je me plaint pas ici, mais je cherche si qqun peut nous aider a trouver une docuementation efficace
2012/5/31 DAOUD IMED <imed.aiesec at gmail.com>
Tbarkallah a3l les formateur fi tounes w les boites de formation dommage
2012/5/31 sabri boukari <sabriicone at gmail.com>
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Boukari Sabri
HP-UX engineer
sabriicone at gmail.com
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