[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: FCM#60 - PDF and EPUB editions!

slim Khan socom.skx at gmail.com
Jeu 26 Avr 22:28:52 UTC 2012

si t'es encore intéssé on parlera (je pense Hamed peut/veux nous aidez ! )

2012/4/26 elachecheanis at gmail.com <elachecheanis at gmail.com>

> Si tu veux contribuer à la traduction t'ai libre de le faire, tu dois
> juste contacter l'équipe qui fait de la traduction d'une tell langue.. Pour
> la langue Arabe j'ai essayé de faire un petit équipe avec mes amis ça fait
> 2 ans mais nous avons pas terminé le travail(problème de motivation), si tu
> veux re-lancer l'idée de la traduction Arabe tu dois juste contacter Ronnie
> ;) :D
> 2012/4/26 slim Khan <socom.skx at gmail.com>
>> yé5i hay fi plusieur langue
>> c'est eux walla eli y7eb yetranslati !???
>> 2012/4/26 elachecheanis at gmail.com <elachecheanis at gmail.com>
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Full Circle Magazine <lists at fullcirclemagazine.org>
>>> Date: 2012/4/26
>>> Subject: FCM#60 - PDF and EPUB editions!
>>> To: elachecheanis at gmail.com
>>> *Full Circle*
>>> * Issue #60
>>> *
>>> Full Circle - the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community
>>> are proud to announce the release of our sixtieth issue.
>>> * It's our birthday! Five years and going strong.
>>> *
>>> This month:
>>> * Command and Conquer.
>>> * How-To : Beginning Python - Part 32, LibreOffice - Part 14, and Prey.
>>> * NEW! Graphics : GIMP - The Beanstalk Part 1, and Inkscape - An
>>> Introduction to the SVG file format.
>>> * Linux Lab - Serial Port.
>>> * Review - Desura.
>>> * I Think - Will You Upgrade To 12.04?
>>> * Closing Windows - Sound Settings
>>> plus: Ubuntu Games, My Desktop, My Opinion, My Story, and much much more!
>>> * Google Currents Edition:
>>> *http://www.google.com/producer/editions/CAownNvjAQ/full_circle_magazine_60_lite
>>> * Get it while it's hot. PDF and EPUB Editions!
>>> * http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-60/
>>> ................................................................
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>>> unsubscribe, return to the web form where you first subscribed and click
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>>> --
>>> Best Regards,
>>> El Achèche ANIS
>>>  Linux user *#486664 *
>>>  Ubuntu user *#32379 *
>>>   ubuntiste-msakni <http://ubuntiste-msakni.legtux.org>
>>> --
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>> --
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>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
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> --
> Best Regards,
> El Achèche ANIS
>  Linux user *#486664 *
>  Ubuntu user *#32379 *
>   ubuntiste-msakni <http://ubuntiste-msakni.legtux.org>
> --
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> Ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com
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