[ubuntu-tn] internet solution for ubuntu

Rafik Ouerchefani rafik at ubuntu.com
Lun 16 Avr 12:26:56 UTC 2012


First of all, Zarzis is not at all "an area with hardly any
infrastructure". FYI, I'm from there, I used to use Orange 3G with no
problems. It works like a charm on Ubuntu. I didn't try Tunisie
Telecom 3G but I heard it's ok as well.

Regarding the speed, it pretty much depends on the neighborhood. I
never got 3G to work at my place in Tunis but it always worked
beautifully in Zarzis, wherever I go, except "shatt sonia"...


On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 8:47 AM, Besma M'charek-Boussif
<bmcharek at gmail.com> wrote:
> Salam,
> I am visiting Tunisia next month and will stay at my in laws. They live in
> this new area with hardly any infrastructure such as Internet. I would like
> to stay fully available for work and need a good enough mobile solution
> I am wondering what a good temporary solution (I am talking about one week)
> would be for ubuntu compatible mobile Internet in Tunisia (the south,
> Zarzis).
> Could anybody help me out? I would highly appreciate all input, thanks.
> --
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Besma M'charek Boussif
> --
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Rafik Ouerchefani رفيق الورشفاني
http://www.ubuntu.com - http://mozilla-tunisia.org - http://www.rafik.tn

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