[ubuntu-tn] Workshops @ OSS 2012, Hammamet - Tunisia, 13 September 2012

hela ouaslati helaoueslati at yahoo.fr
Dim 15 Avr 21:16:04 UTC 2012

Salut @tous,

Voici une opportunité qui pourra être intéressante pour les fun du l'open source ;)


    Workshops @ OSS 2012, Hammamet - Tunisia, 13
      September 2012:


      * Mobile Free and Open Source Software (mFOSS)



      * FLOSS Education: Long-term sustainability (FLOSSEdu)




      Imed Hammouda

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Bien Cordialement
Hela Oueslati
Master Student, Distributed software systems, in the University of Technology-Darmstadt Germany.
Maîtrise I.M. -ISIM 2010-Sfax
Bachelor in Computer science system and Multimedia -ISIM 2010 Sfax Tunsia
JCI Trainer, member Sidi Mansour OLM-TUNISIA
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