[ubuntu-tn] Ubuntu 11.04 Beta1

Firas Yahia firas at firas.tn
Jeu 31 Mar 22:37:33 UTC 2011


Some of the key updated packages in Ubuntu 11.04 Beta 1 release are:

   - Linux kernel 2.6.38

   LibreOffice 3.3.2
   - GCC 4.5
   - Python 2.7
   - dpkg 1.16.0
   - Upstart 0.9
   - *...*

ça approche => http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta  [ pour les testeur
uniquement. Noob don't try to install it : if you want try it on Vbox
machine ]

I am now my /root at /home

Mail : firas at firas.tn
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