[ubuntu-tn] hi

Neo31 Ahmed at net.Sghaier.com
Ven 17 Juin 18:43:17 UTC 2011

c le 2eme spam de notre ami nacer,
on doit voir la possibiliter de bloquer son adresse email en cas de
reception d'un 3eme spam.
Nacer, STP arrete d'envoyer ces spams ou resout le probleme.

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 6:16 PM, nacer tarrouche <
nacer22tarrouche at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I just learned how to make $200 in a few short hours on the web. without
> hassle from - http://x.co/Xp8B - you are going to be so happy!
> --
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