[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: [RFC] LEP#1, Standardize the LoCo Team Display Names

elachecheanis at gmail.com elachecheanis at gmail.com
Ven 1 Juil 01:07:08 UTC 2011

*Merci pour le partage nizarus,
Si je me trompe pas tout est bien nous sauf le nom de la page:
qui doit être modifier de ubuntu-tn vers Ubuntu Tunisia Local Community
2011/6/30 Nizar Kerkeni <nizarus at ubuntu.com>

> -------- Message original --------  Sujet: [RFC] LEP#1, Standardize the
> LoCo Team Display Names  Date : Wed, 29 Jun 2011 17:25:18 -0400  De : Paul
> Tagliamonte <paultag at ubuntu.com> <paultag at ubuntu.com>  Répondre à : Ubuntu
> local community team (LoCo) contacts <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com><loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>  Pour :
> Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts
> <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com> <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Proposed-By: Paul Tagliamonte <paultag at ubuntu.com> <paultag at ubuntu.com>;
>   LoCo Council <loco-council at lists.ubuntu.com> <loco-council at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Scope: All LoCo Teams, Worldwide
> Status: Draft
> Rational: loco.ubuntu.com looks inconsistent and sloppy
> Howdy, LoCo Contacts,
> The LoCo Council has drafted up a proposal to standardize the display
> name of all LoCo teams to help un-uglyfy the LoCo Directory team
> list[1].
> [1]: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/
> Submitted below (for your comments) is the draft we came up with.
> Let's get this stable so we can get it kicked out (barring rational
> and clear objection) as an official policy within the next week or so.
> Please keep comments on this thread, and please keep them productive
> and clear.
> Dear LoCo Team Contacts,
> During UDS-O we discussed easy ways in which we could help improve the
> LoCo Directory for future Ubuntu fans and contributors. One of the
> ideas that we came up with was to improve discoverability of teams in
> the LoCo Directory (http://loco.ubuntu.com/). To help achieve this
> we'd like to request that teams standardize their display names in
> Launchpad.
> In order for this to work, the changes will need to be made by all
> LoCo Teams whose team names don't conform to the standard set out
> below. Note that we're open for suggestions on improving this. The
> standard is not set in stone, but we do want to standardize the names.
> There's some really good reasoning behind this desired change of LoCo
> Team display names. We have received e-mails from people that have
> recently began using Ubuntu and are interested in joining LoCo Teams
> that are near them. They have contacted the LoCo Council stating that
> they are having problems narrowing down LoCo Teams that are near them,
> partly due to the inconsistency in LoCo Team display names being.
> There are other factors such as the LoCo directory user interface, and
> the number of sub-teams that some LoCo Teams have, but we see this
> name change is a crucial part of the improvements.
> We would like to clean up the LoCo Team display names during the
> Oneiric Cycle, so that means before October 2011. With a real
> coordinated effort we should have no problem in reaching this goal.
> We have come up with a basic standardized format for team "display
> name" on Launchpad, they should be in the following formats:-
>  * "Ubuntu COUNTRY_NAME Local Community". e.g. "Ubuntu United Kingdom
> Local Community"
>  * "Ubuntu REGION_NAME, COUNTRY_NAME Local Community". e.g. "Ubuntu
> Hampshire, United Kingdom Local Community"
> In addition the "team name" field should be standardized to:-
> "ubuntu-CC" (where CC is the agreed de-factor ISO country code of your
> country). e.g. ubuntu-uk
> "ubuntu-CC-Region" e.g. ubuntu-uk-hampshire
> The Country name and/or Region name should be specified either in
> English _or_ in the local language - at the preference of the team
> itself.
> In short, we will be working to the following formats:
> Team Name: (actual team name on Launchpad)
>  * lp:~ubuntu-ie
>  * lp:~ubuntu-us-ohio
> Please be careful to use the actual de-facto ISO code of your country.
> Display Name:- (as seen by users)
>  * Ubuntu Ireland Local Community
>  * Ubutnu Ohio, USA Local Community
> --
> loco-contacts mailing listloco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.comhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts
> --
> Nizar Kerkeni
> LoCo ubuntu-tn & ubuntu memberhttp://www.ubuntu-tn.orghttp://blog.nizarus.org
> --
> Ubuntu-tn mailing list
> Ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com
> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-tn

*Best Regards,*
*El Achèche ANIS*
* Linux user #486664 *
* Ubuntu user #32379 *
*  ubuntiste-msakni <http://ubuntiste-msakni.co.cc/>  *
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