[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: Full Circle - Special Edition #01 - The Perfect Server

elachecheanis at gmail.com elachecheanis at gmail.com
Jeu 27 Jan 03:01:06 UTC 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Full Circle Magazine <lists at fullcirclemagazine.org>
Date: 2011/1/27
Subject: Full Circle - Special Edition #01 - The Perfect Server
To: elachecheanis at gmail.com

That’s right folks, we (ie: Robin Catling) managed to get all the pages from
the Perfect Server articles into one handy dandy PDF!

Special Edition #01 - The Perfect Serv er

Yes, the cover looks familiar, but don’t worry, inside are many pages of
Ubuntu 9.10 goodness.

*DOWNLOAD*: Full Circle – Special Edition #01 – The Perfect


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*Best Regards,*
*El Achèche ANIS*
* Linux user #486664 *
* Ubuntu user #32379 *
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