[ubuntu-tn] Interface web pour consulter la mailing list

Sami Ben Mansour samibmansour at gmail.com
Jeu 24 Fév 17:31:00 UTC 2011

merci ! ;)
Sami Ben Mansour
Head of Research and Development department, Time University
Phone : (+216) 71 95 11 94
Fax : (+216) 71 95 11 71

2011/2/24 dhiaeddine <dhiaeddine at gmail.com>

>  bonjour,
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-tn/
> On 24/02/11 13:59, Sami Ben Mansour wrote:
> Bonjour,
>  Y a-t-il une interface web qui permettre de consulter le contenu de la ML
> ? Merci.
> ---
> Sami Ben Mansour
> Head of Research and Development department, Time University
> Phone : (+216) 71 95 11 94
> Fax : (+216) 71 95 11 71
> www.time.ens.tn
> --
> Ubuntu-tn mailing list
> Ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com
> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-tn
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