[ubuntu-tn] [UBUNTU] Surprise, it's OUT!
Iskander Rekik
rekik.iskander at gmail.com
Lun 26 Déc 13:53:20 UTC 2011
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From: Full Circle Magazine <lists at fullcirclemagazine.org>
Date: 2011/12/25
Subject: Surprise, it's OUT!
To: rekik.iskander at gmail.com
*Surprise!* Since everything is in place there’s no point in holding back
the issue until next week. You lucky devils get *FCM#56* almost a week
This month:
* Command and Conquer.
* How-To : Make 11.10 Look ‘Classic’, LibreOffice – Part 10, Backup
Strategy – Part 4, Persistent USB Stick, and Connect To IRC.
* Linux Lab – Xbox Media Centre.
* Review – Puppy Linux.
* I Think – Would you attend a monthly FCM meeting on IRC?
* Closing Windows – Moving, copying & deleting files
plus: more Ubuntu Games, My Desktop (and an extra!), My Opinion, My Story,
and much much more!
*Get it while it’s hot!*
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