[ubuntu-tn] Have you met the MATE ?

Trainer Imen lifemakerca at yahoo.ca
Mar 13 Déc 13:02:38 UTC 2011

Wa Alaykom assalem,

I do agree with you. I really like the Idea and I want to try it in cha Allah. 

Thanks for sharing !

Ingénieur Informatique et Trainer Accréditée en développement de personnalité

 From: hatem ounis <ounishatem at gmail.com>
To: Tunisian Ubuntu LoCo Team Mailing List <ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com>; cllfst <cllfst at lists.tuxfamily.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 1:45:11 PM
Subject: [ubuntu-tn] Have you met the MATE ?


In my quest to retrieve the good old GNOME 2, I met a mate, or should I say the MATE.

Before telling you more about it, here is an introduction.

As part of my baby duck syndrome I hate GNOME 3 and Unity, I feel like being an idiot using such user interfaces.
By trying to be simple to use, I find they failed to keep user informed on what is cooking into his machine. So by inference they failed to make user think, deduce and learn more.
My deduction is that a new era of idiot computer users has begun, and it will be a hard task to make them think it's bad for their mind, as it was and still the case for another OS users.

Let's focus on the MATE.

To make a long story short, it's a fork of GNOME 2, it's not yet stable, so please test it then report bugs so we can have a stable desktop environment that doesn't suck.
I personally had a huge bug, making nautilus crash every few seconds.

Here is a way to install it on Ubuntu 11.10, but since it's not stable yet, test it at your own risk.


Hatem Ounis.

"Command line is user-friendly. It's just very selective about who its friends are"

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