[ubuntu-tn] FCM#47 est sortie
rekik.iskander at gmail.com
Ven 1 Avr 10:26:20 UTC 2011
*Full Circle*
* Issue #47
* Full Circle – the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community are
proud to announce the release of our forty-seventh issue.
This month:
* Command and Conquer.
* How-To : Program in Python – Part 21, LibreOffice – Part 2 and eBook
Reader Software.
* Linux Lab – File Formats Part Two.
* Review – Piano Booster.
* Top 5 – School Tools.
plus: Ubuntu Women, Ubuntu Games, My Opinion, My Story, and much much more!
* Get it while it’s hot!
* http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-47/
*Bonne réception,
Mes salutations les plus distinguées.
Iskander REKIK*
*t*: + 216 22 674 821
*p*: + 216 97 623 987
*e*: rekik.iskander at gmail.com
<rekik.iskander at gmail.com>*w*: http://www.wt-team.org
*Launchpad*: https://launchpad.net/~rekik-iskander
*LinkedIn: *http://tn.linkedin.com/pub/iskander-rekik/17/3a9/650
*Linux user*: # 488387
*Ubuntu user*: # 26880
*Wikipedia user*: # 584645
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