[ubuntu-tn] New Sabily logo and brand
Abdelmonam Kouka
abdelmonam.kouka at gmail.com
Dim 17 Oct 23:35:07 UTC 2010
Bismilleh walhamdolilleh wassaleto wassalemo ala rasol Alleh,,
Assalamo alaykom,
Sabily team is proud to announce the new design of Sabily logo and Sabily
brand (see attached files).
Alhamdolilleh who helped us to finish this work that we hope that it will be
successful, and a great thanks to our brother Muslih Al-Aqqad the author of
this work for his efforts jazaho Allah khayran.
Be free to spread these new logo and brand on your blgos, websites, forums
and social networks.
Inshalla as soon as possible we will update Sabily web site and Sabily theme
with these modifications.
Assalamo alaykom
عبد المنعم كوكة
Abdelmonam Kouka
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Nom: SabilyLogoNewDesign.png.png
Type: image/png
Taille: 100553 octets
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Nom: SabilyBrandNewDesign.png
Type: image/png
Taille: 323282 octets
Desc: non disponible
URL: <https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-tn/attachments/20101018/8a0e1460/attachment-0001.png>
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