[ubuntu-tn] [FWD] Announcing the First LoCo Day Event: Second Try
Nizar Kerkeni
nizarus at ubuntu.com
Mer 10 Nov 10:34:49 UTC 2010
----------------message original-----------------
De: "Nathan Handler" nhandler at ubuntu.com
A: "Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts"
loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com, "loco-council"
loco-council at lists.ubuntu.com, "Ubuntu Classroom Management"
ubuntu-classroom at lists.ubuntu.com, "ubuntu-news-team-request"
ubuntu-news-team-request at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 22:28:49 -0600
> Hello everyone,
> For various reasons, the LoCo Days event was unable to happen at its
> originally scheduled date. We want to give it another try. The first
> LoCo Days event will now take place the weekend of December 17-19. I
> am including my original announcement email below. If your LoCo is
> interested in getting involved, please contact a member of the
> Classroom Management Team and we can add you to the schedule.
> Thanks,
> Nathan
> Original Announcement
> (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-classroom/2010-October/000
> 225.html):
> Hello everyone,
> It is my great honor to be able to announce a new Ubuntu Classroom
> event that will be taking place: LoCo Days [1] ! To quote the wiki,
> "Most Classroom sessions done in the Ubuntu community are done in
> English. However, we have a large LoCo community as well. LoCo Days
> were designed to encourage LoCo Teams to start doing more Classroom
> sessions in their native languages." The first set of LoCo Days will
> take place from Friday, November 5th, 2010 - Sunday, November 7th,
> 2010. Sessions, to be given in the LoCo's native language, will focus
> will be on different LoCo-related HowTos. Some possible topics might
> include: How to host an Ubuntu Hour, How to start a Loco team, or How
> to organize a release party. Sessions will be lead by groups from
> different LoCos; there will be very few (if any) individuals hosting
> sessions.
> In order for this event to work, we need as many different LoCo teams
> to volunteer to lead sessions as possible. Sessions can take place any
> time during Friday, November 5th, 2010 - Sunday, November 7th, 2010,
> so LoCo teams should have no issue finding a convenient time. If you
> are interested in leading a session, please let either myself or
> another member of the Classroom Management Team [2] know so that we
> can add you to the schedule. Please be sure to pass this announcement
> on to the other members of your LoCo team.
> Thanks,
> Nathan Handler
> [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDays
> [2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/ContactUs
> --
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts
Nizar Kerkeni
LoCo ubuntu-tn and ubuntu member
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