[ubuntu-tn] [FWD] Fwd: Programme national de la certification des compétences : Se former et se certifier LPI pour uniquement 129DT !!

mezhoud kmezhoud at gmail.com
Jeu 27 Mai 20:22:52 UTC 2010

maybe. I do not respond. stop being poor inferences. On the other side 
there is a big difference between the list of examples that you said and 
the promoting lucrative training promotion. It has nothing to do with 
freedom because it is paid €€€

Any way,

Neo31 wrote:
> This information is useful for me :) so call it whatever you want, I 
> don't care :p
> btw many other information are defused on Ubuntu-TN ML that is useful 
> too. we never though of it as advertisement. like VirtualBox update, 
> Linux Magazines, Linux and Open Source events (even the ones that 
> Ubuntu-TN is not participating in). it's ok while it is related to 
> Ubuntu, Linux or free software in general.
> 2010/5/27 Nizar Kerkeni <nizarus at ubuntu.com <mailto:nizarus at ubuntu.com>>
>     c'est une information relative au libre transmise à une communauté
>     libre
>     et chacun est libre d'y voir ce qu'il veut...
>     --
>     Nizar Kerkeni
>     LoCo ubuntu-tn and ubuntu member
>     http://www.ubuntu-tn.org
>     http://blog.nizarus.org
>     --
>     Ubuntu-tn mailing list
>     Ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:Ubuntu-tn at lists.ubuntu.com>
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Karim Mezhoud, PhD. ir.			
Molecular biology Lab Tel: 25909901
National Center of Nuclear Sciences and Technologies 
Technopole Sidi thabet, 2020, Ariana, Tunisia
FRE 3206 CNRS-USM 0505 Molécules de communication et adaptation des micro-organismes,  Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, 
12 rue Buffon, F-75231 Paris cedex 05, France. Tel: 0140793212

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