[ubuntu-tn] Ubuntu ID’s
Saara Israa Väätti
israa.frej at tut.fi
Sam 8 Mai 10:41:10 UTC 2010
Thank you :)
> Thank's NEO31[?]
> 2010/5/7 Neo31 <neo31 at geeksgeneration.com>
>> @Anis : voir sur le launchpad :
>>> Generating your key in Ubuntu
>>> The easiest way to generate a new OpenPGP key in Ubuntu is to use
>>> the *Passwords
>>> and Encryption Keys* tool.
>>> *Step 1:* Open *Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption
>>> Keys*.
>>> *Step 2:* Select *File > New*, select *PGP Key* and then follow the
>>> on-screen instructions.
>>> Now you'll see your new key listed in the *Passwords and
>>> Encryption Keys*tool.
>>> Publishing your key
>>> Your key is useful only if other people can verify items that you sign. By
>>> publishing your key to a keyserver, which acts as a directory of people's
>>> public keys, you can make your public key available to anyone else.
>>> Before you add your key to Launchpad, you need to push it to the Ubuntu
>>> keyserver.
>>> *Step 1:* Open a terminal and type:
>>> gpg --list-keys
>>> *Step 2:* You'll see a list of OpenPGP keys in your system, including the
>>> one you've just created, which look something like this:
>>> pub 1024D/12345678 2007-01-26
>>> uid Geoffrey Hayes (My OpenPGP key) <geoffrey at bungle.com>
>>> sub 2048g/9ABCDEF1 2007-01-26
>>> In the example above, 1024D/12345678 is the key's public id. We need the
>>> second part, i.e. 12345678. Copy that part of your key's public id.
>>> *Step 3:* Enter:
>>> gpg --send-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 12345678
>>> *Note:* Replace *12345678* with the public key id you copied in the step
>>> 2.
>>> If successful, GPG will display a message similar to:
>>> gpg: sending key 12345678 to hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com
>> 2010/5/7 Bchini Med Karim <mohkarb at gmail.com>
>> L'adaptation Tunisienne de Tarek m'a beaucoup + c'est pour cette raison que
>>> je propose que chaqu'un crée son badge et le partage ici .
>>> Si l'adaptation a été approuvé on peut commencer à utilisez nos badges dés
>>> 2m1 !
>>> 2010/5/7 tarekdj <tarekdj at gmail.com>
>>> voici la source pour ceux qui veulent réaliser leurs badges
>>>> Le 7 mai 2010 16:00, ANIS El Achèche <elachecheanis at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>> c'est vraiment cooool,
>>>>> Le 7 mai 2010 13:29, wael karmous <wael.karmous at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>>> :)
>>>>>> c'est très beau :P
>>>>>> M.KARMOUS Wael
>>>>>> Student at ESIEE Engineering Paris
>>>>>> Majoring Microelectronics
>>>>>> Web: http://tn-geeks.com
>>>>>> Le 7 mai 2010 14:22, tarekdj <tarekdj at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>>>> les source sont dispo ici :
>>>>>>> http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/files/source/ubuntuID.tar__0.gz
>>>>>>> donc voici les ubuntu ID's façon tunisienne :D
>>>>>>> Le 7 mai 2010 10:48, tarekdj <tarekdj at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>>>>> ummmm, très bonne idée :)
>>>>>>>> Le 6 mai 2010 20:49, Bchini Med Karim <mohkarb at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>>>>>> oui c'est trés jolie pourquoi pas ?
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Nizar Kerkeni
>>>>>>>>> <nizarus at ubuntu.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> des belles cartes :
>>>>>>>>>> http://leogg.wordpress.com/2010/05/05/ubuntu-ids-2/
>>>>>>>>>> et pourquoi pas des adaptations Tunisiennes :)
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Nizar Kerkeni
>>>>>>>>>> LoCo ubuntu-tn and ubuntu member
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.ubuntu-tn.org
>>>>>>>>>> http://blog.nizarus.org
>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Cordialement
>>>>>>>>> Bchini Med Karim
>>>>>>>>> Etudiant en cycle d'ingénierie en informatique à Esprit
>>>>>>>>> Président du club Esprit Libre
>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu-tn Management Committee
>>>>>>>>> Animateur informatique à Jeune Sciences
>>>>>>>>> Mobile : +216 22976075
>>>>>>>>> Em at il: mohkarb at gmail.com
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>>> Cordialement
>>> Bchini Med Karim
>>> Etudiant en cycle d'ingénierie en informatique à Esprit
>>> Président du club Esprit Libre
>>> Ubuntu-tn Management Committee
>>> Animateur informatique à Jeune Sciences
>>> Mobile : +216 22976075
>>> Em at il: mohkarb at gmail.com
>>> --
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Best regards,
Saara Israa Väätti
Ph.D student at Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Communication
Engineering Department (Networks and Protocols).
Master degree student in Information Technology (Networks and
Protocols, Communication Engineering department) at TUT, Finland.
Engineer in Computer Networks and Telecommunications from
National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT), Tunis, Tunisia.
Mobile: +358 40 963 40 90
+216 98 537 162
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