[ubuntu-tn] Fwd: Don't pay for server virtualization. HP and Citrix have you covered.

MaWaLe mawale at ubuntu.com
Mer 31 Mar 14:43:31 UTC 2010

L'autre fois Abdelmonam m'a posé la question sur la possibilité de
virtualiser les PROLIANT de HP
je lui avez répondu que les outils de base comme VirtualBox ne permettez pas
de virtualiser des technologies mais juste des plateformes telle que la X86
pour la VirtualBox

Je confirme ma réponse de l'époque : les solution pro permettent de faire ce
qui est demandé

ici l'exemple EXACT pour la demande de notre ami Kouka : Citrix XEN qui
permet de virtualiser PROLIANT de HP.

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From: Linux Magazine <reply-4020 at responses.linux-mag.com>
Date: 2010/3/31
Subject: Don't pay for server virtualization. HP and Citrix have you
To: mawale.me at gmail.com

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*Citrix and HP have the key.*

Look to Citrix and HP to help you unlock the power of server virtualization.
Virtualize HP’s new ProLiant G6 servers with Citrix XenServer to squeeze
maximum productivity and efficiency from your IT environment. Save precious
time by eliminating tedious set-up tasks with the integrated HP ProLiant
Virtual Console. And with live migration, shared storage support, multi-node
management and automated P2V conversion tools, XenServer enables any
organization, no matter the size or budget, to immediately benefit from the
power of server virtualization.

  [image: Get it
XenServer free!
[image: Citrix]<http://www.elabs7.com/c.html?rtr=on&s=ax0v,kl37,33o,fbrq,sm1,5crf,1rdm>
[image: HP]

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